What is Bone Broth? Get Answers in this Guide – Kettle & Fire
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What is Bone Broth?

Bone broth is made from animal bones and connective tissue — typically cattle, chicken, or fish — that have been boiled into a broth and slow simmered for 20+ hours with herbs, vegetables, and spices. So why is this seemingly simple liquid something you’d want to drink every day?

What is Bone Broth & What Makes it So Beneficial?

Bone broth has a rich history of being used in traditional Chinese culture, for its many benefits: to support digestion, through collagen, minerals, amino acids, and compounds found in bones and connective tissue.

Specific compounds like chondroitin sulfate (used in osteoarthritis supplements) and hyaluronic acid(used in facial cosmetic products) are found in cartilage, connective tissue and bones, in case you were wondering.

Even our hunter-gatherer ancestors realized that drinking bone broth was highly valuable, as its earliest version dates back over 2,500 years. Throwing away anything edible was out of the question back then, so animal hooves, knuckles, bones, and other connective tissues never went to waste.

People with leaky gut syndrome have also used bone broth to support their diet.

Plus, the collagen found in bone broth makes it the perfect food to support healthy looking skin.

Is Bone Broth The Same as Regular Stock?


There are two main differences between bone broth and regular broth or stock: simmering time and the part of the animal it's made from (bones or flesh).

Regular broth and stock are simmered for a shorter period of time than bone broth. The expedited cooking process reduces the amount of beneficial gelatin extracted from the bones, limiting its ability to support the immune and digestive systems.

Cooking With Bone Broth

Our beef bone broth has a mild flavor, which allows it to blend easily with almost anything, from smoothies to healthy gummy bears. Our chicken bone broth and mushroom chicken bone broth boost the savory flavor of soups, stews, and risotto recipes. A few of our favorites include:

The Story Behind Kettle & Fire Bone Broth

Before Kettle and Fire was born, one of our co-founders, Nick, tore his ACL playing soccer (ouch). His brother Justin heard about the benefits of bone broth for injury recovery. As his schedule didn't leave much time to make bone broth from scratch, he set out to buy a store-bought, high-quality, grass-fed bone broth, since both of their busy schedules didn’t leave much time to make the broth themselves. (You can learn more about our story here.)

No matter how hard Justin looked, the ideal bone broth didn’t exist. He searched for one that contained organic vegetables, was fresh — never frozen — grass-fed, and slow simmered (as well as one that could be shipped without wasteful, clunky packaging). So, Nick and Justin decided to create a high-quality bone broth on their terms, which is the recipe we’re proud to offer you today.

Kettle & fire Bone Broth is:

  • Made with bones from grass-fed beef or pasture raised chickens
  • Hormone and antibiotic-free
  • Slow simmered for 20+ hours
  • Contains no additives or preservatives, and a shelf life of two years
  • Shipped in responsible packaging and 100 percent recyclable material
  • Packaged in tetra packs to take up less room in your pantry
  • Approved for Whole30, keto, and paleo diets

How to Get More Bone Broth In Your Diet

The beautiful thing about bone broth is that there’s really no limit to how you can add it to your diet. Aside from soups, stews, and plain ol’ sipping, bone broth blends surprisingly well into almost any recipe — even smoothies! Here are our top ways to get it:

Sip It

Our bone broth tastes delicious enough to sip on its own, but you can spice it up to suit your taste buds. We created our favorite flavor combinations in this free downloadable “Bone Broth Sipping Guide” (bone broth matcha lattes, anyone?). Get your free copy here.

The Bone Broth Diet

If you want to boost your energy and vitality, we recommend checking out The Bone Broth Diet, created by Dr. Kellyann Petrucci because it increases your intake of the nutrients and compounds that support gut, skin, joint, and bone health.

The bone broth diet is a 21-day plan that’s ideal for anyone who wants to nourish their bodies with nutrients that help you thrive. Learn more about the 21-day bone broth diet.